Di seguito vengono riportati i casi più recenti (dal 1992 in poi) di contrabbando di materiale fissile.
HEU sta per Highly Enriched Uranium, cioe’ Uranio arricchito per il 20% ed oltre.
1992: 1.5 kg 90% enriched HEU stolen from the Luch Production Association in Podolsk (near Moscow)
1993: 1.8 kg, 36% enriched, from Andreeva Guba
1993: 4,5 kg, 20% enriched, from Sevmorput (near Murmansk)
Mar 1994 St. Petersburg 2972 grams HEU 90%
8 Aug 1994 Munich 363 grams Pu
14 Dec 1994 Prague 2730 grams HEU 87.7%
1998: attempted, not successful, theft of 18.5 kg of HEU (Russians have only said it was from a facility in the Chelyabinsk oblast probably Mayak)
Moldova 2011: HEU seized. Smugglers are at large and according to Moldovan authorities have about 1 kg of HEU